DT Life

Be a part of our spectacular adventure!

Please enjoy our Maui Wedding Video!

Our hearts and prayers go out to Maui! 

Married in America!

On the morning of August 2nd, 2023, we got married on the beach in Maui, Hawaii, USA. It was a simple ceremony with immediate family present. Other family and friends were invited to join us live via Zoom. It is a wonderful memory that will last a lifetime, just like our marriage! August 2nd in Japanese is 8/2 or hachi ni, or for short hani (pronounced similarly to honey), therefore we will be getting married on Honey Day, and we will celebrate this special day every year by enjoying some delicious honey! So fun!

Married in Japan!

Back on the morning of May 10th, 2023, we signed our names to the marriage application, took it to the Arakawa government office, posed for our fancy picture and slipped ring sizers (the real rings hadn’t arrived yet) on each other’s fingers. By 11 a.m. we were officially married in Japan! Yay!! 5/10/2023 is an especially lucky day for Daniel, Tomoko, and all of Japan. which is why we chose that day, plus it is easy to remember too!

Thank you so much for being a part of our spectacular adventure!